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The role of optimization & indexing to get on the first page of Google



Here, in simple terms, is how optimization and indexing, together, play a key role in your website’s organic SEO for it to rank on the first page of Google.

As over 80% of internet users prefer to click on organic results (compared with 20% for paid ads) – you should have a basic grasp on how optimization and indexing work together to make your website’s organic SEO on point, and so have it get on the first page of Google.


The role of OPTIMIZATION in getting your website to rank on the first page of Google.

Optimization calls upon many elements

Optimization : 3 very basic notions

 1- From the outset, optimizing (making optimum) in terms of the Internet means that a website conforms to the greatest number of technical criteria established by Google; these criteria are all based on user experience – i.e. your target visitors.

2- Then, you should know that we do not actually optimize “a website” but rather we optimize, one at a time, the pages of a website and the keywords relating to these pages.

3- Finally, each page is optimized by the application of a series of specific actions following the Ten SEO quality parameters for best website ranking on Google. This means, that a well optimized page will be favorably ranked by Google; hence the importance of doing an analysis to strategically choose the best keywords and pages to optimize for your website.

When is a good time for website optimization?

To the point, optimization must be done:

  1.  the moment one is building a website, and for all of its pages;
  2. thereafter, with recurring optimization actions in order to always have a favorable ranking on Google.

Since the ultimate goal of optimization is to attract a large number of visitors interested in what you are offering, then you will benefit from getting your web pages to rank favorably on the first page(s) of all search engines.


INDEXING’s role in your website getting to rank on the first page of Google

Indexing's role for a site to rank on the first page of Google

To start, in order for a site’s web pages to be displayed by a search engine, they must be indexed; meaning they are cataloged into the search engine’s database.

To do so, search engines “deploy” robots that crawl the web — from one url to the next— to do 2 specific things:

1- collect, in a database, all the web pages (url, links, etc.) which relate to the same subject as defined by the keywords;

2- and also groups all of these data according to a number of technical parameters as required by Google and other search engines.

The more the web pages of a site are optimized the more they will be correctly and favorably indexed; and this will impact on the first page ranking of search engines.


With ORGANIC SEO your website can rank on the first page of Google

With great ORGANIC SEO your website can rank on the first page of Google

Here we are at the crux of the matter: the position on Google search result pages.

In essence, this is how optimization can affect the placement of your web pages on Google’s first pages.

When people search Google, they use words to describe what they are looking for; for example “landscaping services in MyTown”.

Once the search is launched, this is what happens:

1- Google “searches” its databases (the index) to find all the web pages that have a relevance with the keywords “landscaping services in MyTown”;

2- And then, taking into account all the optimization criteria, Google displays all the web pages ranking theme from the most relevant at the top followed by the others in descending order of optimized factors.

So in conclusion, everything is essentially determined by the quality of the optimization of the technical parameters of said pages.

It’s really mathematical: the rank placement depends on the quality of the optimization.


And finally, how is your website ranked on Google?


Find out how your website ranks on Google, and the 4 SEO factors you can use to get your website to rank on the first page of Google.

Click here to request more information.

Just so you know:

PLUS, and if necessary, I can answer any other question relating to internet marketing to promote your website.

Looking forward to seeing you on the first pages of Google!


Other useful and related articles

Web Copywriting, 6 SEO rules for better ranking

Organic SEO Basics : A simple non-techie introduction

SEO : 9 reasons you may not need it

Ten SEO quality parameters for best website ranking on Google

Website construction : 3 must-have characteristics

VincenzoVincent [Vincenzo] Sciullo
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